„The juxtaposition of Tuesday's two top stories was extraordinary.
The top story all day was that Republicans had shut down the federal government because President Obama wouldn't defund or delay the Affordable Care Act. The other major story was that the government's servers were crashing because so many people were trying to see if they could get insurance through Obamacare.
So on the one hand, Washington was shut down because Republicans don't want Obamacare. On the other hand, Obamacare was nearly shut down because so many Americans wanted Obamacare.“
EZRA KLEIN und EVAN SOLTAS im morgendlichen „Wonkbook“ der „Washington Post“. Ein historischer Tag also. Wie die Geschichte ausgehen wird, weiß man allerdings nicht. Das ist immer das Dumme an geschichtsträchtigen Ereignissen, die sich vor den Augen des Betrachters entfalten.