„It’s pretty much unanimously believed that if we had not had air conditioning, we could not have had this huge migration of population from the North to the Sun Belt, and we certainly wouldn’t have seen 70 percent of all economic growth happening in the South since 1960. This has had major political implications by shifting electoral votes to predominantly red states in the South and West. In an imaginary world where air conditioning hadn’t been invented, it could easily be the case that many of the big Republican victories in the '90s and 2000s would not have happened.“
STAN COX, Autor des Buches „Losing Our Cool: Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air-Conditioned World (and Finding New Ways to Get Through the Summer)“ in einem Interview auf „salon.com“ über das außerordentlich interessante Thema, wie die Klimatisierung von Innenräumen die ökonomische und politische Landschaft der USA veränderte. Erst Klimaanlagen machten es zum Beispiel möglich, dass die Autobauer ihre Montagewerke in die südlichen US-Bundesstaaten oder nach Mexiko verlegen konnten, wie ich schon früher in einem Seminar zur Autoshow lernte.