"Dear World:
The United States of America, your quality supplier of ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for its 2001-2008 service outage.
The technical fault that led to this eight-year service interruption has been located. Replacement components were ordered Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, and have begun arriving. Early test of the new equipment indicate that it is functioning correctly and we expect it to be fully operational by mid-January. [New service acceptance testing will complete shortly at 1651 Pennsylvania Ave NW, in Washington DC with no critical problems currently outstanding. New service launch is set for Jan 20, 11:30am EST.]
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the outage and we look forward to resuming full service and hopefully even improving it in years to come.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
The USA"
MASSEN-E-MAIL, Verfasser unbekannt, die man aus unterschiedlichen Gründen lustig (oder befremdlich) finden kann.